My Journey in Radical Transparency

What are you the best at that you enjoy doing the most?


How do I get Involved?

find ways to help others

I get asked this question all the time “How can I get more involved in the community?” The simple answer is “Find ways to help others.” If we all focus on this one thing them we’ll all have more opportunities. The problem is it’s too easy to get focused on what we want and spend all our resources keeping score and looking for the quick win. An ecosystem will die if you can not create a greater number of givers than takers. Give First! Here are some simple ways to can give back. Try to do at least one of these a day.

How to get involved:
Attend an event
Share a post
Write a story
Mentor a founder
Advise an employee
Create an event
Join a committee
Run a committee
Share a tweet
Sponsor an Event
Meet with a Founder
Contribute some information
Create an Infograph about the ecosystem
Make an introduction for someone
Comment on a post
Host an event
Invite a  group to dinner
Check in at Startup locations and post
Follow local hashtag and retweet
Vote up local teams on Product Hunt
Ask a question on Slack
Post a picture from an event on Facebook.
Bring a friend to an event
Invite others to events
Make a plan to meet someone at an event
Answer a question on Slack
Reply to a post
Take time to learn about local startups
Give a shout out to your favorite volunteer
Share a learning experience.
Sign up to volunteer
Invest in a startup
Work out of a startup space
Hire an apprentice
Job shadow someone
Share a best practice
Do a podcast
What am I missing? Please post your favorites in the comments.